Providing Specialized Services toStreamers, E-commerce Stores and Freelancers in the Web3 Environment
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Decentralized Web 3.0 Hub

White paper
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Project Inception
- Idea generation for the cryptocurrency payment gateway project.
- Initiation of the payment gateway development for a personal website on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with BUSD token support.
First experimental version created.
- Creation of the first experimental version.
- Launch of the initial experimental version of the BSC network payment gateway, allowing payments with the BUSD token and API integration.
Competitor Analysis and Research
- Comprehensive competitor analysis and market research.
- Implementation of initial project architectures.
- Identification of competitor strengths and weaknesses.
- Requirement analysis and software architecture implementation for payment system problem-solving.
Implementation and Expansion
- Implementation phase.
- Implementation of a sample with three networks (BSC, ETH, POLYGON).
- Introduction of payments with stablecoins (BUSD, USDT).
- Implementation of a fast payment system with sharding and parallelism for payment management.
Complete Overhaul and Decentralization
- Complete transformation and decentralization of the payment system.
- Fundamental infrastructure changes and full system modularization to enhance development.
- Identification of competitor strengths and weaknesses.
- Implementation of a fully decentralized roadmap for project expansion.
Full Project Execution
- Creation of the first experimental version.
- Full project execution.
- Domain registration for
- Deployment of the primary project in a fully decentralized manner.
- Support for three blockchain networks (BSC, Polygon, ETH) and two coins (BUSD, USDT).
- Introduction of an order management panel and reporting system.
Expansion and Integration
- Expansion with five additional networks, totaling eight networks (Polygon, BSC, ETH, Optimism, Arbitrum, Harmony One, Fantom, Avalanche).
- Inclusion of two stablecoins (DAI, USDC).
- Research and investigation into potential issues in global payment systems.
Updates and Financial Support
- System updates and new features.
- Resolution of potential user payment issues and secure payment implementation.
- Addition of financial support and donation capabilities to the d-pay gateway.
- Introduction of the ability to create donation links in the user panel for streamers.
GIF Donations and User Display
- Updates and new capabilities.
- Addition of the ability to set donation GIFs for streamers.
- Display of loyal users and supporters (loyal buyers).
- Implementation of a fully decentralized roadmap for project expansion.
Fan Token Features
- Introduction of new features.
- Creation of fan tokens.
- Configuration of fan token payment options for users.
WordPress Plugin Integration
- Addition of a WordPress plugin for gateway integration.
Further Fan Token Enhancements
- Introduction of new features for fan tokens.
- Implementation of token minting for fan tokens.
- Ability to burn fan tokens.
System Updates
- Token section updates, including displaying tokens in circulation for streamers and users.
- Payment order reporting system updates.
Token Settings and Stream Page Updates
- Completion of token settings section
- Update to create custom stream pages.
- Domain registration for
- Display of streamer tokens for users and tokens received during support for streamers..
GIF Donation System Updates and File Sharing
- Update to the GIF donation section.
- Introduction of new features to the GIF donation system for streamers.
- Addition of file-sharing software for streamers in the stream.
Future Development Planning
- Planning for further development
- Configuration of a new roadmap for project expansion.
Project Token Implementation
- Implementation of the project token.
- Presentation of the project whitepaper.
Staking System Implementation
- Implementation of the staking system.
- Implementation of a network token offering based on smart contracts.
- Deployment of a profit withdrawal and collection panel.
Streamer Marketplace Implementation
- Conducting an Airdrop
- Conducting an IEO.
Custom Telegram Game, NFT Marketplace, and User Activity Scoring Bot
- Creating a Telegram Game
- Creating a Dedicated Marketplace for Selling Game NFTs
- Creating a User Activity-Based Scoring Bot
Project Token Integration
- Integration of the project token into the gateway.
- Ability to swap streamer tokens.
- NFT system implementation.
- Token swap to NFT system for streamers.
DAO System for freelancers and Contract Lock
- Implementation of the DAO system for freelancers and employers.
Token Value and Gift Donation Updates
- Introduction of a token valuation system.
- Gift donation system updates.
- Creation of a gift donation design system for streamers.
Token Swap System
- Addition of a token swap system in the gateway.
Personal Live System in Web 3.0
- Implementation of a personal live system in Web 3.0.
- Introduction of features such as creating private groups and hidden live streams.
- Integration of an NFT sales system for participation in live streams
GIF Donation to NFT Conversion
- Implementation of the GIF donation to NFT conversion system.
- Design and construction of NFT and NFT collection systems.
D-pay DEX and Bridge System
- Addition of the D-pay DEX system.
- Addition of the bridge system.
Telegram and Instagram decentralized Payment Systems
- Addition of the Telegram payment system.
- Addition of the Instagram payment system.
Marketplace for Streamers
- Implementation of the custom streamer marketplace.
- With intelligent SEO and AI consultancy.
DAO-based Contests and Lotteries
- Implementation of a contest and lottery system in DAO format.
AI-based CRM System
- Implementation of an AI-based CRM system for reporting to markets.
AI-Driven Web Transition
- Implementation of the complete AI-driven transition of Web 2.0 websites to Web 3.0 in an intelligent and automated manner.
Smart Physical Payment Device
- Implementation of a smart physical payment device.
Introduction of Metaverse for Streamers
- Introduction of the first customized Metaverse version for streamers.