D-pay's main goal is to connect the Web 2 world to the Web 3 world. This is a challenging task for the development team, but it will create a lot of value for people. The entire D-pay development system is based on a decentralized architecture. We have tried to focus on decentralization while making it easy to connect to the Web 3 world.
Layer 1: The core of the D-pay ecosystem is based on the Ethereum EVM engine. This engine is the most powerful and efficient available, and it ensures that the D-pay system is decentralized.
The EVM engine is the only blockchain architecture that meets the three main principles of decentralization. In addition, the EVM is constantly being developed, and it is the basis for many of the leading cryptocurrencies in the market. For these reasons, we chose to use the EVM engine as the core of the D-pay project.
Layer 2: The D-pay ecosystem can support any network or coin that uses the EVM engine. This gives the project a lot of flexibility, and it allows us to add new networks and coins as needed.
For now, we are using Ethereum and Layer 2 networks on Ethereum. We are also using the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network for its efficient fees and reliability. The D-pay system is built on BSC, but the payment gateway supports the following
Layer 3: The D-pay ecosystem will use the Polkadot ecosystem to add scalability and extensibility. This will allow us to add programs from other networks to the D-pay ecosystem, such as DAOs, NFTs, and DeFi.
Layer 4: The D-pay ecosystem is based on a modular architecture. This allows us to add new platforms and services as needed.
Layer 6: The connection layer will connect the D-pay ecosystem to the Web 2 world. This will be done through APIs, which will allow users of Web 2 platforms to connect to the D-pay ecosystem and the Web 3 world.

The user starts the payment process by entering the gateway and informing the server. After connecting the wallet to the gateway, the user presses the "Approve" button to give the contract permission to withdraw tokens selected by the user in the amount of the amount sent from the store website.
After completing the transaction, the contract informs the client of the completion of the transaction. The client then performs the checks with the information available in the client and then the client informs the server of the completion of the transaction and sending the initial payment information and asks for permission from the server to continue the payment and verify the information sent.
The server checks the information sent with the blockchain, the contract, and the information in the database regarding this order. After confirmation, the server receives the necessary information and approvals from the contract to continue the transaction.
Then the client requests permission from the server to continue the work and receive the approved information. The server, with positive and correct information, allows the client to continue the payment.
The user starts the second payment phase by pressing the "Confirm" button. Then the client informs the server about the execution of the second payment phase and sends information about the created transaction and other payment information to the server for review.
After completing the transaction, the contract informs the server and the client and sends the transaction information to both parties for review. The client and the server independently receive the relevant information from the contract for review and verification. The client then sends the collected information to the server for review. After verifying the payment information, the server sends the information received from the blockchain to the client.
The client, after reviewing and comparing the information, if correct, informs the server to confirm the transaction. The server, after final review and scrutiny, sends the result of the transaction to the client and informs the user of the result. Explanation
The payment process in D-pay consists of two phases: the first phase is the authorization phase, and the second phase is the payment phase. In the authorization phase, the user authorizes the contract to withdraw the tokens from their wallet. The contract then sends a transaction to the blockchain to withdraw the tokens.
In the payment phase, the user confirms the transaction. The client then sends a transaction to the blockchain to send the tokens to the merchant. The server is responsible for verifying the transactions and ensuring that they are valid. The server also sends the transaction information to the user and the merchant.

The token factory is a function in the main contract. This function is used to create tokens with very low network fees. This function uses the Clone Factory pattern as follows: a base token is created and placed on the network by us, and the factory function creates very small contracts that have the task of executing the main token functions using the Delegatecall upcode, and the related variables are stored in the newly created small contract. As a result, the cost of creating a contract is simply reduced to creating a small contract.
The user creates a small contract with Delegatecall capability by executing the function to create a token, and an address of the token is returned to him and stored in the main contract. From now on, any user who wants to interact with the token requests to execute a function to the address returned in the previous step. This function sends the request to the base token contract as a proxy and executes the code in the base contract. Then the result and the changed variables in the initial contract created by the user are returned and applied, and in this way the user will have a token at a very low cost.

In this section, the streamer fan, after clicking on the link to support the streamer, enters the donation page for the streamer. As soon as you enter this page, if the streamer has previously created a fan token for his users and has charged and configured his fan token in the store for this financial page, the token information and token payment terms that have been applied by the streamer are retrieved from the blockchain. Then, in this page, you can enter your details if necessary or if it is mandatory from the streamer to pay for financial support.
Also, as soon as the amount of financial support is entered, the number of tokens received, which is produced by the streamer in the token factory section and is set in the donation page settings, is calculated and displayed on the page.
After completing all the items, the user enters the gateway page. In the gateway page, all the necessary checks that were mentioned earlier are performed, and after completing all the payment steps and completing the payment and the payment confirmation from the blockchain, a request is sent to the online streaming page of the streamer.
According to the settings that the streamer has done for his online streaming page, the settings are recalled and the request to run the video and / or audio set in the streamer's system, which is identified by the D-pay file-sharing software, is executed and the video and / or audio is played in the streamer's system. which is online and with the settings made on the site by the streamer.
Marketplace section for streamers
This section gives value to each streamer's tokens based on a flexible weighting system, which estimates the competitive value for each streamer's fan token and ranks it in the market. This rank depends on many factors to get the intrinsic value for that token. In this weighting, factors such as the number of token holders, the number of token transactions, the volume of token transactions, the total volume of investment in the token, the total number of fans who have bought the token, the number of loyal people, the cluster of fans, the number of fan clusters that have been created, and other factors have an impact. Token Value = w1 * Number of Holders + w2 * Number of Transactions + w3 * Transaction Volume + w4 * Total Capital Invested + w5 * Number of Fans + w6 * Number of Loyal Supporters + w7 * Number of Fan Clusters + ...
Contract signing section between freelancer and employer

In this system, users, including freelancers and employers, can get to know each other on social media and reach an agreement on the project. Then, they can enter the D-pay platform and ecosystem to sign the contract.
The D-pay contract signing ecosystem works on three layers:
Layer 1: This layer is for communication between freelancers and employers and creating a user account in the system. Users can also choose to complete their identity information in this layer. In this layer, all identity information of users is reviewed and verified. User history information and reports are also displayed to the user, who can be a freelancer or an employer.Layer 2: This layer is for reviewing and signing the contract. In this layer, communication is between the server and the blockchain. Users can set the main terms of the project for each other. A copy of the contract and its sections is stored in the system for editing. Finally, the contract is entered into the blockchain for registration and finalization. This ecosystem works on the Binance Smart Chain network.Layer 3: After the smart contract is placed on the blockchain, the contract starts operating automatically. Freelancers and employers can communicate with each other about the project stages in messaging systems or social media. If a freelancer completes a section of the project, they can send a request for payment and completion of that section to the employer. When the request is sent, the timer for the freelancer to complete the project is paused until the employer confirms the status. If the employer confirms, the amount of that section of the project is deducted from the contract and deposited into the freelancer's account. If the work is not approved, the timer for that section of the freelancer starts counting again. If the project deadline is exceeded, a penalty fee will be calculated for the freelancer. If the freelancer is also dissatisfied with the employer's request, they can request a consensus.Consensus request fee is paid by the freelancer. The freelancer can also determine how many people should participate in the consensus. The number of consensus participants must be such that there is no tie in the votes.
Rating system for votes
In this system, freelancers and employers are given a rating based on their records. This rating affects the value of their votes. People with a positive track record also receive a higher reward for participating in consensus and voting. This system is based on the ratio of completed projects, along with project records, reciprocal votes, and other factors.
Score = w1 * S + w2 * P + w3 * R + w4 * O1 + w5 * O2 + ..
Token architecture
Token transaction fees
The token is on the Binance Smart Chain network, and all transaction fees for token transfer are paid in BNB. In all cases where our token is used, there must be BNB, the native token of the network.
With the addition of Permission, the token will have the ability for users to make transactions to transfer this token without having to pay network fees.
The way it works is that the user who has the token but does not have the native currency of the network signs a message with a specific format that includes sender information, recipient, amount sent, and the expiration date of this message with their private key.
This message is then sent to someone who has the native currency of the network. The person who receives the message can then execute the relevant function in the token contract and enter the signed message from the first user to send the amount requested by the first user to the intended destination.
In this way, the first user can make a transaction to send the token with a mediator and completely securely without having to pay any network fees with the native currency of the network.
Special feature: A function with a special feature has been created in the token. Since our platform is a very dynamic platform and new features are constantly being added to it, we have created a special feature for users who use our token to use the features of our platform. In the normal case, the user had to first execute the approve function and then the transferfrom function in the contract for any token payment to work with the contract.
However, in this feature, the user only needs to execute one function to execute the approved and trusted functions developed by our platform, and the other functions are performed and executed in a chain.
The user does not need to execute two separate functions. With the execution of this function, the token is sent directly from the user's account to the recipient's account and then the user's required functions are executed. The executable functions have been secured on both sides by us and users can easily use these functions.
Staking system architecture
1. This plan is based on annual staking (each asset can be staked for one year) and after one year, the project token is released to the user.
2. The maximum staking pool should not be more than 10% of the total volume of tokens, and when it exceeds 10% of the tokens, the new staking system is closed until one year has passed and from the first request after the staking is opened, the possibility of new staking is created in proportion to the percentage of the pool that has opened (this 10% system is variable).
This plan is based on annual staking (each asset can be staked for one year) and after one year, the project token is released to the user.
3.Each person can make a new stake until the pool is full, and when a new stake is made, the staking time is calculated from that moment for one year (365 days) and is not added to the available asset, but is considered a separate asset.
4. Staking profit is paid every 30 days and in the form of Tether currency on the Binance Smart Chain network, and the amount of profit is calculated at 3.7% Tether from the initial value of our token. This 3.7% can be withdrawn at any time (there is the possibility of changing the profit percentage for new plans in this smart contract). There is also the possibility of adding a new package.
5. The profit withdrawal system also allows users to withdraw profit at any time.
6. There is also the possibility of displaying the user's profit in real time on the site.
7. The user can see the total volume of direct and compound profit separately and review it.
8. The minimum staking is $100.
9. There is also a withdrawal fee for the withdrawal system (1 fixed dollar).
10. This system has a referral feature as well.
a. At the time of staking, the user can enter the address of their referral wallet. If the referral is one of the people who have staked in our system, the profit is 5% of the direct profit and 8% of the 30-day profit. This profit is calculated in real time and is available for withdrawal to the user.
Economics and project economy
Token distribution and supply system
1. 1% is allocated for early project investors prior to project introduction in IEO
2. 8.5% of the tokens will be offered during the IEO
3. 11% technical and development team based on the amount of profit from the project, up to 3% per year, and in the third year, 2% of the development team is available to release tokens.
4. 2.5% reward for good ideas that contribute to the development of the project
4. 15% investors
5. 30% airdrop (reward for 100 transactions in the portal) This 30% will be given to those who have made 100 transactions in the D-pay portal and to the stores that have reached 100 transactions with our portal. The amount of airdrop will also be equivalent to 100 dollars of our token at the time the store and or buyer reaches this condition.
6. 15% for staking profit (* Note in the staking section, the total stake should not be more than 10% of the total tokens) and the profit given to users for staking will be from this 15% of the total tokens. This 15% will be implemented after the end of the initial plan a. After all of this staking profit (staking is used for voting in governance in the governance and management section of the metaverse), there will be a need for staking, which will be the percentage of staking at that time. From the total tokens, they have the possibility of staking in this governance. development of the project
7.15% will be released over 5 years, with 3% of these percentages being released annually for project development costs. This 15% will also be based on the amount of profit generated by the project.
8. 1% reward for streamers, which will also be in stages and based on the holding of different challenges
9. 1% for charity
Methods and markets for token consumption
1. The payment tool in the gateway, such as stable coins. Users can utilize the D-payG token for their payments within the gateway.
a. If the user pays with D-payG tokens, the gateway fee is zero.
2. In the section of creating support tokens and NFTs, the cost of creating a token must be paid with D-payG. The cost is fixed at $50 and the equivalent of this $50 is received from D-payG.
a. 50% of the payment cost is burned, 10% of the remaining tokens are allocated to the pool for rewarding users, and the rest goes to the project account. And from this 10%, it is placed in the pool and given to all those who created their fan tokens in a lottery and will also be held every three months.
3. For those who donate to streamers with D-payG, 20% of the income of the portal in the streaming section is given to these people in a redistribution system. This period is also three months. In the airdrop section, 100 tokens are given to those who have a Twitch account for entering their email and Twitch ID.
4. Everyone in voting and competitions between streamers must have D-payG tokens and the more D-payG tokens they have, the more valuable their vote is.
5. In the section of converting streamers' tokens to each other and also converting tokens to NFTs, the conversion fee is also paid from D-payG tokens. 50 cents for conversion fee (which is from D-payG tokens)
6. Live participation and purchase of live accounts based on web 3 and also purchase of live streaming features and or training courses are done with D-payG tokens. In the future, a 3D live streaming system will also be added.
7. For those who donate to streamers with D-payG, 20% of the income of The cost of the system for creating a dedicated page for streamers and its special features (graphic design) is also done with D-payG tokens.
8. Metaverse streamers (to buy land in this metaverse and also to build in this metaverse, D-payG tokens are used) a. D-payG tokens are also used to sell tickets to the conferences of this metaverse.
9. To close the DAO contract between freelancers and employers, D-payG tokens are used. a. Also, if there is a problem between the employer and the freelancer that requires voting and governance, the reward for the people who vote is paid with D-payG tokens.
10. You must have D-payG to send suggestions and comments, the minimum token that you must have (equivalent to 10 dollars)
11. Marketplace system
a. The cost of multiple product plans and advertising systems is paid with D-payG tokens (the ability to merge between streamer and market) b. The fee for statistical systems is paid with D-payG tokens
12. Book, article, and newspaper subscription system is also done with D-payG tokens
a. The cost of these subscriptions is paid with D-payG tokens b. The cost of converting articles to NFTs is also paid with D-payG tokens
13. Use in the DEX section
a. Reducing conversion fees (change and bridge) if using D-payG tokens
b.Token uses (token consumption cases)
Token Use Cases
1. Creating tokens and creating NFTs for streamers
2. Paying for gateway fees and (payment tool (an option in the gateway that they can use to pay for fees in the gateway))
3.For rewarding in return for payment (for the redistribution system)
4. In voting
a. sending comments
b.metaverse governance
c. To reach a consensus in the freelancer and employer section
5. Purchase of account
a. Purchase of live account participation
b.Purchase of training course display account
c. Purchase of marketplace account
d.Purchase of newspaper and article account
e. Purchase of tickets to metaverse conferences
f. Account design page account fees
g.Purchase of statistical subscription accounts
Payment token for marketplace Payment token for streamers 6. Buying metaverse land
7. Creating contracts between streamers and freelancers
8. Use in the DEX section
a.Reducing payment costs
c.staking and earning profit
9. For participating in lotteries
10. For participating in competitions
11. Development plan
Market development roadmap for the store section
1. CRM system
2. Receiving a reward for the first 100 transactions a. Based on the sales volume of each gateway, after 100 transactions, we will airdrop a percentage of our token to them (half the transaction cost) i. After 10,000 users use the gateway, the airdrop will be made (each user must have at least 100 transactions)
3. Single-level referral system, 8% of gateway revenue
4. POS machine a. NFC system b. Physical gateway
5. Payment system with TON and Telegram wallet a. Reporting and CRM system
6.Marketplace system a. Marketplace reporting system b. Shopify implementation in D-pay c. Wallet reporting and best-selling (from other stores (source of income))
7.Subscription system for articles and newspapers a. Article to NFT conversion system
Streamer section
1.Live streaming system in the Web 3 format a. For streamers b. For training courses
2.Conversion of tokens to each other for streamers a. DEX for streamers and their tokens
3.CoinMarketCap system for streamers
4.Putting money in a pool and participating in a competition for streamers
5.Token to NFT conversion system for streamers
6.NFT creation system for streamers
7.Valuing streamer points on Twitch and exchanging them for streamer tokens
8.System for creating a dedicated page for streamers (graphic design page system) a. This system is also used to create NFTs
9.Metaverse for streamers (ability to participate with 3D glasses) a. Ability to buy and sell land b. Ability to hold conferences and competitions for streamers (with the ability to verify with token or NFT) c. Ability to be developed by other designers and to enter into a DAO contract between streamer and designers d. Ability to rent environments
Other development plans section
1. Trading system between freelancers and employers
a.Ability to sign a contract based on DAO
b.Ability to resolve disputes between the parties in the DAO system through a consensus
2. Dedicated DEX system
a.Swap system
b.Bridge system
c.Support for multi network
d.Staking system
e.Routing system
Community development program
AirdropInvitation to cooperation from streamers and online stores with advertising campaignsChallenges for streamers and storesIncentives for freelancers and employersAirdrops for streamers and streamer supportersIncentives in the freelancer and employer consensus ecosystemSecurity and trust
D-Pay is a fully decentralized system based on smart contracts. In the D-Pay ecosystem, we have focused on the decentralized structure and security. We have done a lot of system reviews and implementations in important areas such as the accuracy and confidentiality of user information, in addition to the preservation of user funds. In D-Pay, we have tried our best to implement the system based on trust and decentralization.
For this reason, in D-Pay, all development and software testing for application development in different phases are performed separately by experts in each field to test the trust of the correct implementation of the platform.
It is worth mentioning that the D-Pay platform uses a fully modular structure based on the latest software development and security technologies. For this reason, we are trying to keep up with the latest technologies in the development of D-Pay.